Week 1 Term 3 2024 Minutes

Week 1 Term 3 2024 Minutes

  • Pepsi census article ready for posting (Needs 1 more approval)
  • SRC meeting likely next Monday
  • Diya’s new motions:
    • Kick out Alexander Amend SRC constitution to not count SRC reports was attendance
    • Survey software
  • Gina has still left Alex on read
  • Alex to handle the SRC election coverage
  • Monday week 3, anyone running for SRC gets yeeted
  • Coordinator interim secret ballot ranked prefer
  • Need to publish the article on elections transparency stuff
  • Student media conference
  • NUS Disability and ethno cultural conference
  • We still need money, need to do fundraising and grants
    • Randwick city council grant?
    • EDI
    • Noise to potentially host a creative writing competition, ECW might be happy to give money for this
  • Joint printed edition for student media conference, need to write/pick an article to submit


  • Alice to delegate for SRC coverage
  • Someone to write SAlt might take over the SRC
  • Podcast to be approved
  • Everyone to think of fundraising ideas
  • Alyss to show Ellena the ropes
  • ECW people to beg staff for money
  • Ren to finalise t-shirt and button designs
  • Poster on Monday/Tuesday next week
  • Constitution finalised by next week
  • More story/posts about recruitment
  • Find a bigger room

Minutes Approved by