Finance Policy
Expenses must be clearly related to the operations of Noise@UNSW. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Static Operating Costs (such as website & email server upkeep, and domain renewal),
- Pre-approved event ticket costs (such as NatCon, National Student Summit, etc),
- Limited travel costs directly relating to Noise operations,
- Licensing (such as stock graphics/audio/video),
- Hiring of equipment for Noise operations (such as cameras for cover images).
In the same manner as publishing, all expenses must be approved by 2 other editors. Additionally, approval is needed from either one of the Coordinators, treasurers, or secretaries of the organisation.
Explicitly forbidden expenses include:
- The purchase of drinking alcohol for ANY purpose,
- Temporary loans from the organisation,
- Travel costs to and from UNSW Kensington or Paddington campuses for any Noise Editorial Team member,
- Any of the REJECTED CATEGORIES (adult websites, affiliate/review services, casinos & gambling, financial products, pharmacy products, SEO/Social Media Buying services, AI text/image/video generation services or software).
All expenses not defined as forbidden should be discussed with the Coordinators prior to applying for an expense. It is recommended that you apply for an expense BEFORE you make a purchase, so that you can guarantee approval.
Note that expense reimbursements may be delayed or declined if the organisation does not have the funding. Static costs will always take priority in this case.