Templates for Governance Content


Instructions for Upload

  • Upload the week-x.md file under content/minutes in the correct term and year folder after they have been approved.
  • The file path should be content/minutes/termT-yyyy/week-x.md, where T is the current term, yyyy is the current year, and x is the current week.
  • Actionables are to be carried as a Markdown checklist to the following week’s minutes.


Instructions for Upload

  • Upload the week-x.md file under content/agenda in the correct term and year folder after they have been approved.
  • The file path should be content/agenda/termT-yyyy/week-x.md, where T is the current term, yyyy is the current year, and x is the current week.
  • Actionables are to be carried as a Markdown checklist to the following week’s minutes.